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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Download YouTube Video

Everyday, thousands of Videos are uploaded to Youtube Website, which allows you to view saved videos on their servers but doesn't allow you to download them. What if you like a YouTube Video and want to save or download it to your computer or What if you could never get the online video player working.

If you are using Firefox Web Browser (Get it here), then you can download the VideoDownloader Firefox Plugin by Javi Moya . VideoDownloader add a small icon on the status bar at the bottom of your firefox window, and a toolbar button. Just click that and download the video you are watching.

If you are using any other Browser or don't want to install firefox add on, then there are many websites which allows you to download Videos from Youtube and other Video websites. You have to simply paste the URL of the YouTube Video you want to download into a form on their website. The websites like YOUTUBEX KEEPVID and VIDEODL allows you to download Videos from YouTube, Google, IFilm, Metacafe and various other Video Websites.

After you have downloaded/saved a YouTube Video on your hard drive, Make sure that the extension of the downloaded file is .flv (flash Video). If not, you must change the file extension to .flv (flash Video) format. The .flv is not a common multimedia file and you would need a software called FLV Player to play it. Downlaod and Install FLV Player or VLC Player into your computer to open the flash video file.

If you want to convert/decode the FLV videos to other formats like MPEG/MP4 so that you can store them onto your IPod or PSP then you can either download a free software called Riva FLV Converter or you can visit the Vixy website which offers an online FLV Converter.

Happy YouTubing!!

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Cyborg Name

Have you ever wondered what your name would mean if you were a Cyborg? This is my name or may be the meaning of my name from the Cyborg Name Generator

Operational Mechanical Being Hardwired for Assassination, Killing and Acute Repair.

OK, I thought it was going to be something stupid, but its not that bad.

Cyborg Name Generator is a fun program that asks for your name and let you choose an Avatar and then it creates a robotic acronym from your name. It also gives you the HTML code of your custom Cyborg Name image which you can add to your MySpace, Orkut, Blog or other Web page.

So, What are you waiting for? Have fun and Get your Cyborg Name today.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

SIW - System Information for Windows

I wanted to upgrade the Physical Memory (RAM) on one of the Windows Server and wanted to know the make/model/type of the RAM installed. I couldn't find any command or tool in Windows Operating System which could give me this information. I also didn't want to go to the Data Center and shutdown the server to get these details by physically looking at the Hardware.

There are several occasions when you want a central place where you can get all the information related to your hardware, software and network. Unfortunately, Windows System Properties & Device Manager doesn't help. Many other third party softwares also doesn't serve the purpose to a greater extent and moreover you have to pay for it.

I came across a very good software called System Information for Windows SIW . The software utility builds a detailed profile of your installed software, hardware and network and can create report in various formats.

SIW is very fast in retrieving both the constant information (OS Version, Software installed, Hardware Manufacturers, Models etc) the dynamic information (Opened files, running processes, network connections, hardware sensors etc).

The other advantages are that its a standalone utility and doesn't need to be installed. You can even run the utility from USB Flash drive or a floppy/network drive. Also, its supported on all Windows Platform. Moreover, the software is absolutely free.

This software utility could be very handy and useful in managing Software & Hardware Inventory, Asset Management, PC Auditing and for Compliance reasons. Its a great and must have tool for Administrators. You can find a complete review of the software here at Softpedia.

You can download the latest version of the software from here

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Windows RUN Command

I am very fond of the powerful Run command and find it very useful. I hate using the mouse to point and click a shortcut on the start menu. You can open the RUN command via Start Menu or simply press WIN+R i.e Windows key & R. Here is a list of the RUN commands I use on a very frequent basis.

1. control - Control Panel
2. appwiz.cpl - Add/Remove Programs
3. hdwwiz.cpl - Add Hardware Wizard
4. wuaucpl.cpl - Automatic Updates
5. fsquirt - Bluetooth Transfer Wizard
6. Fonts - control fonts
7. inetcpl - Internet Properties
8. ncpa.cpl - Network Connections
9. odbccp32.cpl - ODBC Data Source Administrator
10. sysdm.cpl - System Properties
11. nusrmgr.cpl - User Account Management
12. firewall.cpl - Windows Firewall
13. nusrmgr.cpl - User Account Management
14. control admintools - Administrative Tools
15. control schedtasks - Scheduled Tasks
16. control desktop - Display Properties
17. control keyboard - Keyboard Properties
18. control mouse - Mouse Properties
19. control printers - Printers and Faxes
20. control netconnections Network connections
21. control fonts - Fonts
22. control folders - Folder Properties

1. calc - Calculator
2. cmd - Command Prompt
3. clipbrd - Clipboard Viewer
4. firefox - Firefox Browser
5. fonts - Fonts Folder
6. hypertrm - HyperTerminal
7. iexpress - iexpress wizard
8. iexplore - Internet Explorer
9. mrt - Malicious Software Removal Tool
10. mspaint - Microsoft Paint
11. notepad - Notepad Application
12. packager - Object Packager
13. msimn - Outlook Express
14. mstsc - Remote Desktop
15. regedit - Registry Editor (Also regedit32)
16. msconfig - System Configuration Utility
17. telnet - Telnet Client
18. explorer - Windows Explorer
10. write - Wordpad
11. wupdmgr - Windows Update Manager
12. msmsgs - Windows messanger
13. wmplayer - Windows media player
14. explorer - Windows Explorer
15. winword - Microsoft Word (if installed)
16. excel - Microsoft excel (if installed)
17. powerpnt - Microsoft powerpoint (if installed)

1. verifier - Driver Verifier Utility
2. sigverif - File Signature Verification Tool
3. helpctr - Help and Support
4. icwconn1 - Internet Connection Wizard
5. msinfo32 - System Information
6. taskmgr - Task Manager
7. dxdiag - Direct X Troubleshooter
8. winver - Windows Version
9. diskpart - Disk Partition Manager
10.dcomcnfg - Component Services
11.logoff - Logs You Out Of Windows

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Microsoft Mangement Console (MMC)

A lot of system administration tools that come with Windows 2000, 2003 & XP are already in a console form having an extension of ".msc". They can be used alone by typing the name in the RUN command or as snap-ins to a Microsoft Management console (MMC). My prefered and fast way is to type them in the RUN Window. The following is the list of some of the frequently used Console commands.

1. certmgr.msc - Certificate Manager
2. compmgmt.msc - Computer Management
3. devmgmt.msc - Device Manager
4. dfrg.msc - Disk Defragment
5. diskmgmt.msc - Disk Management
6. eventvwr.msc - Event Viewer
7. gpedit.msc - Group Policy Editor
8. secpol.msc - Local Security Settings
9. ciadv.msc - Indexing Service
10. lusrmgr.msc - Local Users and Groups
11. perfmon.msc - Performance Monitor
12. inetmgr.msc - IIS Manager
13. services.msc - Services
14. rsop.msc - Resultant Set of Policies
15. ntmsmgr.msc - Removable Storage

So, if you have administrator privileges and want to stop and start a service on another server without logging into that server, simply type services.msc command in RUN and press enter, right click on services(Local) in left pane and click "connect to another computer.." and type the server name and bingo! You are connected to the services console of another machine and then you can stop and start the service you like. Similarly, this can be done for event viewer, performance monitoring (perfmon), IIS etc.

I make an extensive use of Microsoft Management Console (MMC) and administer servers most of the time without even logging into the server.

In my next Blog, I will discuss the frequently used RUN commands.

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